350 S. Northwest Highway, Suite 300, Park Ridge, IL 60068

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Quinn Law Group, LLC

Schaumburg Personal Injury Attorney

Schaumburg Personal Injury Attorney

Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer Serving Schaumburg, IL

In some instances, being involved in a motor vehicle accident, being prescribed the wrong medication, or suffering an injury at work, may just seem like a major inconvenience. However, working with a car insurance agent or a human resources department may be the least of someone's worries after a dangerous crash or medical mishap. When substantial harm takes place and negligence plays a role, it may be in the best interest of the victim to pursue a personal injury case.

If a senseless accident lead to you or a loved one's injury, our team at Quinn Law Group, LLC can help you understand your legal options. With our help, you may be able to obtain the compensation to help you get back on your feet.

Car and Truck Accident Claims

Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injury cases. Whether it involves cars, trucks, motorcycles, or other vehicles, these accidents can lead to severe injuries such as broken bones, spinal cord damage, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), or even fatalities. Attorney Patrick Quinn has extensive experience in handling automobile accident cases and understands the complexities associated with insurance claim disputes and determining liability.

Medical Malpractice Cases

Medical malpractice occurs when poor training, understaffing, damaged equipment, and outdated procedures lead to patient harm. This type of injury claim aims to pursue compensation against medical professionals who commit acts of negligence or medical errors that result in physical and psychological harm to patients. Such instances may include misdiagnoses leading to delayed treatment or surgical errors causing further complications.

Premises Liability

Attorney Patrick Quinn has represented numerous victims in premises liability cases by thoroughly investigating each incident, including reviewing video evidence as well as obtaining eyewitness testimony. At Quinn Law Group, LLC, we believe all patrons deserve a high standard of safety while visiting businesses and residential properties, and we advocate aggressively for those who have been harmed due to unsafe properties.

These types of injury claims may arise from the following circumstances:

  • Floors, ceilings, and stairways in need of repair leading to slip-and-fall accidents
  • Dog bites and animal attacks resulting from negligent pet owners
  • Inadequate security leading to preventable assaults and other injuries

Fatalities and Wrongful Death

Fatalities resulting from accidents are tragic events that can leave families grieving while grappling with financial uncertainty. Pursuing a wrongful death claim aims to hold negligent parties accountable while compensating the victim's family. Attorney Patrick Quinn approaches these devastating cases with sensitivity and empathy while fighting vigorously for justice for your family.

Accidents on Construction Sites

Construction site accidents can cause devastating injuries such as chemical burns, traumatic brain injuries, and bone fractures. It is often the case that workers and bystanders who sustain serious injuries while on or near a construction site require long-term medical treatment and rehabilitation. When safety measures are not met or fall short completely, innocent people can suffer the consequences. Attorney Patrick Quinn has successfully handled construction accident cases, representing injured workers against employers and other entities for wrongdoing and inaction.

How Quinn Law Group, LLC Can Help With Your Schaumburg Personal Injury Case

If you have suffered a personal injury due to someone else's negligence or intentional actions, it is crucial to consult an experienced attorney like Attorney Patrick Quinn. Our legal team offers:

  • Experienced Guidance - Attorney Patrick Quinn will guide you throughout your case by carefully evaluating the circumstances surrounding your incident, determining liability factors involved in complex accidents, and quantifying damages accurately through expert testimony when necessary.
  • Negotiations - Negotiations are an integral part of the legal process. They provide an opportunity for parties to come together and seek mutually beneficial resolutions without resorting to lengthy court battles. Effective negotiations can save time and money while preserving relationships between parties who may need to interact again in the future. Pat knows what it takes and will negotiate tenaciously on your behalf.
  • Litigation Advocacy - Should your case proceed to trial if settlement negotiations are unsuccessful, Pat possesses strong litigation skills and years of courtroom experience. His meticulous preparation ensures that your case is presented thoroughly and persuasively before a judge or jury.
  • Network of Experts - Throughout his career handling personal injury cases, Attorney Patrick Quinn has developed a trusted network of expert witnesses in various fields such as accident reconstructionists, medical professionals, and vocational rehabilitation consultants, proving invaluable when building robust arguments to support your claim.

Contact Our Schaumburg Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Attorney Patrick Quinn's experience enhances the chances of obtaining the justice you deserve. Reach out to Quinn Law Group, LLC today to schedule a free consultation with Attorney Patrick Quinn and secure professional legal representation in your personal injury matter.

Contact us at 847-232-7180 today!

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