350 S. Northwest Highway, Suite 300, Park Ridge, IL 60068

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Quinn Law Group, LLC

Northbrook Personal Injury Attorney

Northbrook Personal Injury Attorney

Attorneys Fighting for Fair Compensation for Your Injuries in Northbrook, IL

A personal injury can have a profound impact on your daily life as well as your family members. If you have sustained significant injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, or severe burns, you may need help taking care of yourself, driving to appointments, and completing chores. In worse cases, you may not be able to return to work or walk without assistance. However, while you may have suffered life-altering injuries, you are not alone.

The legal team at Quinn Law Group, LLC has invaluable experience representing individuals and families who have suffered negative impacts from automobile accidents, medical malpractice, and many other dangerous accidents. Attorney Quinn's down-to-earth approach brings both comfort and confidence to his clients as he pursues justice on their behalf.

Quinn Law Group, LLC can represent clients in various types of personal injury cases.

Automobile Accidents

In big cities and small towns alike, traffic accidents can happen anywhere. While some people may walk away simply annoyed about a dent in their vehicle, others are not so lucky. Injuries such as severe whiplash, concussions and other head trauma, and broken bones can derail a person's life after a crash.

We understand that dealing with insurance companies and their adjusters can be overwhelming. Pat will review evidence such as police reports, witness statements, and medical records to build a strong case on your behalf. He will negotiate aggressively with insurance companies or take them to court to ensure you receive fair compensation.

Unsafe Premises Claims

It is very likely that each of us has experienced tripping and falling at some point in our life. Typically, such a fall is mostly harmless, possibly resulting in small scrapes or light bruising. In more serious cases, however, a slip-and-fall accident can require emergency treatment, surgery, and short- and long-term disabilities.

If you were visiting someone else's property and a slip and fall accident resulted in substantial injuries, Quinn Law Group, LLC can help. We will help you to understand your available legal options and investigate who is liable for your injuries.

Fatalities and Wrongful Death Claims

When a loved one's life is unforeseeably cut short due to another person's negligent actions, it can be traumatizing. Attorney Patrick Quinn understands the emotional and economic hardship of such a profound loss. He is dedicated to providing thoughtful legal representation for your family while aggressively pursuing justice for your loved one's wrongful death. Whether negotiating with insurance companies or litigating in court, he will do everything in his power to obtain the results you deserve.

Other Personal Injury Cases

No matter the type of accident you or your loved one has endured, we will work vigorously to defend your case and make sure that you understand all available legal options. It is important to recognize that different types of cases are going to be accompanied by different complications. Some of the more complex personal injury cases include:

Contact Our Northbrook Personal Injury Attorney

When a distracted driver causes a car crash, a doctor makes a mistake during surgery, or a property owner fails to warn visitors of serious dangers, injured parties should contact a reputable law firm proficient in handling personal injury matters. Call 847-232-7180 today for a free consultation.

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