350 S. Northwest Highway, Suite 300, Park Ridge, IL 60068

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Quinn Law Group, LLC

Elgin Personal Injury Attorney

Elgin Personal Injury Attorney

Legal Guidance for Personal Injury Cases in Elgin, IL

When you have been injured in an accident, recovery may seem stressful and strenuous. Not only do you have to deal with the physical pain and emotional distress caused by the accident, but you may also have to deal with a variety of financial obstacles.

At Quinn Law Group, LLC, we provide sound legal guidance tailored specifically to your case and will handle every aspect of your claim, giving you peace of mind. Attorney Patrick Quinn has over 15 years of legal experience, along with an extensive background in insurance defense. He is best positioned to maximize the compensation you deserve.

Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one unexpectedly is an unimaginable tragedy. It can lead to depression, anger, and other emotional challenges. In Illinois, wrongful death cases are complex, and only specific family members can bring forward these types of claims within strict timeframes set forth by state statutes.

At Quinn Law Group, LLC, we know that no amount of money can replace your loved one's presence, but we firmly believe that pursuing justice against those responsible can provide some form of solace while providing necessary monetary assistance moving forward. Pat will handle the legal complexities on your behalf while allowing you to focus on grieving and healing.

Premises Liability

When you suffer an injury on someone else’s property, there may not be a straightforward path to receiving compensation for your injuries. In those types of situations, it may be in your best interests to hire a qualified personal injury attorney.

Pat understands the complexities of premises liability cases and knows what it takes to get you the best possible result for your physical injuries, and psychological suffering. Whether your accident occurred in a private residence, retail establishment, or other public space, we will fight relentlessly on your behalf.

Automobile Accidents

There are more than 250,000 motor vehicle crashes in Illinois every year. Roadway crashes can involve cars, trucks, bicycles, and even pedestrians. These accidents often result from drivers not paying full attention to the road or driving recklessly. It is crucial for car accident victims to seek medical attention and contact a personal injury attorney right away.

Attorney Patrick Quinn has extensive experience handling motor vehicle-related accident cases, and will thoroughly investigate the details of your accident. He can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf or litigate if necessary. His goal is always to ensure that his clients receive fair compensation for their injuries sustained in these traumatic incidents.

Healthcare Malpractice

Approximately 200,000 deaths happen every year due to medical errors. Many of these could be avoided by effective communication and training among healthcare staff. Significant mistakes, such as procedural errors and misdiagnoses of an illness, can lead to severe injuries or even death.

Quinn Law Group, LLC has successfully represented numerous clients harmed by medical negligence, and will thoroughly review your case and consult expert witnesses so that we can build a compelling argument on your behalf.

Accidents on Construction Sites

Construction workers face numerous dangers each day on the job. Per year, approximately 1,000 fatal work injuries occur on construction sites in the United States. These accidents continue to occur far too frequently due to factors such as toxic chemical exposure, crane accidents, and falls from tall heights.

If you have been injured while working on a construction site, seek legal representation immediately. At Quinn Law Group, LLC, we have a proven track record of handling construction accident cases involving poor working conditions, electrocution, and repetitive strain injuries. We will take care of all aspects of the case so that our clients can focus solely on healing and rebuilding their lives.

Dangerous Products

Claims involving dangerous products can encompass all types of goods, including automobiles, food products, medical devices, and household chemicals and appliances. Quinn Law Group, LLC has substantial experience handling product liability cases involving various goods and industries. We understand how these injuries can impact your life and will fight strategically to pursue maximum compensation so our clients can recover physically and financially.

Contact Our Elgin Personal Injury Attorneys

It is crucial to seek legal advice promptly after sustaining injuries in an accident to ensure that important evidence is preserved and that all paperwork and documentation necessary for your case is filed on time. For experienced personal injury representation in Elgin, contact us today at 847-232-7180 to schedule a free consultation.

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